Your guide to protecting your cars during winter
It seems like winter rolls around faster every year. One minute we are loving the Australian sunshine, and the next we’re caught off guard by the cold. It’s easy to overlook the effect this can have on our cars. Our advice? Don’t. It will benefit you and your dealership both financially and environmentally.
Here’s our advice on protecting your car from winter:
Be aware of your battery
Batteries are integral to car function, and it’s vital you keep an eye on them during the colder months. Very cold batteries struggle to deliver as much current as they normally would, and this is especially the case if you are dealing with an older, used car. Check the spark plugs, and for any signs of erosion, whilst also ensuring cars are kept under shelter to offer it protection.
Auto fluids need all the help they can get in the cold.
Cooler temperatures can cause car fluids such as oil, antifreeze, brake, transmission and wiper fluids to be less efficient. Ensure all your fleet’s fluid levels are at recommended levels at all times during these months. Keeping a full tank of gas will prevent condensation building up in the fuel system and then subsequently freezing.
Keep the optimum level of pressure in tyres
Depending on where your dealership is located, in the really cold months you may experience some ice on the roads. Cold weather compresses air, causing your tyres to decompress too. Keep an eye on over-filling them, as this reduces grip.
Know when you need to warm engines before driving
If you are driving a car that was made pre-1980, then the chances are you need to warm the engine before heading off on the road. This allows the correct mix of fuel and air to circulate in the engine. Any car newer than that will have fuel injectors and sensors, meaning you don’t need to sit and wait for the correct fuel levels to enter, as it will just happen automatically. For these cars, just start driving, increasing speed gradually.
Happy winter driving!